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BMJ 1999;319:188 ( 17 July )


Should immunisation against hepatitis B take priority over provision of clean drinking water?

EDITOR---The World Health Organisation has suggested universal immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine.1 The Indian Academy of Paediatrics has recommended vaccination to paediatricians in the country and to the government; paediatricians have in turn been recommending it. The cheapest Indian vaccine costs 360 rupees (£5.21) for three doses.

The India Development Report 1997 suggests that a third of the population earn less than 57 rupees (83p) per capita per month.2 The main causes of death in India are diarrhoea, respiratory infections, and malnutrition.

Does the World Health Organisation really want universal immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine to take priority over the provision of clean drinking water? At what stage of development of a country's infrastructure does the prevention of hepatitis B by vaccination take priority? Is there any study about this? We would like to be rid of this vermin, but the Pied Piper must be paid.

Jacob M Puliyel, Head
Department of Paediatrics, St Stephen's Hospital, Delhi 110054, India

1. Hoofnagle JH. Towards universal vaccination against hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 1989; 321: 1333[Medline].
2. Parikh KS, ed. India development report 1997. Delhi: Oxford Press, 1997.

© BMJ 1999

Rapid Responses:

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Universal HepB-logistically impossible
S K Mittal, 17 Jul 1999 [Full text]
Vaccines are a public health tool.
Yogesh Jain, et al., 16 Aug 1999 [Full text]
Safe water or hepatitis B vaccination in India: general comments
Philippe Beutels, 16 Aug 1999 [Full text]
Hepatitis B vaccine or clean drinking water: George Bernard Shaw on expensive immunisation.
Jacob M Puliyel, 24 Aug 1999 [Full text]
The Unholy Nexus Between Vaccine Manufacturers and Professional Bodies
Fuad Abed Abass, 26 Aug 1999 [Full text]
Universal hepatitis B vaccination in India
Alexander Mathew, 26 Aug 1999 [Full text]

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