Melas syndrome.

Indian J Pediatr. 1999 Jul-Aug;66(4):621-5.

Singh SK, Sarin D, Puliyel JM, Srivastav R, Gupta R, Kumar N, Mathews A.

An 11 year old male presented with headache, vomiting and weakness of right side of body. One day after admission he developed right focal seizures. He had 5 previous episodes of stroke, the first at 11 months age. His milestones were normal upto the first episode but subsequent mile stones were delayed. His serum and CSF lactic acids were raised. Muscle biopsy showed ragged red fibres on modified Gomori-trichrome staining. His EEG, CT scan and MRI were normal this time. The child improved spontaneously after 7 days. His recovery time progressively became shorter with each episode of stroke. Maximum time for recovery was noted during first episode and least in current episode. This is the first report of Melas syndrome in Indian literature.